Contracts are for individuals who can freely consent to and end their term of employment.
Record companies killed rock ‘n’ roll, bluegrass (folk), demonized rap for no good reason, and to this day I do not understand how “R&B” differs from “pop you can dance to.”
We are lazy artists who do not want to roam around discovering all the talent in every city. If other cities will simply agree to a common-sense code of ethics, we will offer people space on this website to list their labels.
Lilly Marlena makes websites if you truly cannot conjure up a local nerd to make websites. Many people in your area would love to make band websites though: they are way more fun to make.
The idea of running a corporation makes me want to scream. Please, people who know enough to start ethical record companies - take over from here this is just a starting point to get people out of lifelong deals that sound horrible.